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Lifetime Civil No-Contact Order Expanded to Cover Human Trafficking Victims

This blog post details the expanded Chapter 50D (Effective August 1, 2023) to authorize permanent, lifetime no-contact orders for victims of sex offenses and human trafficking.


Elected Ed: Season 1, Episode 3: Shedding Light for Elected Leaders: Sex Trafficking Can Look Normal to the Uninformed

In this podcast, a survivor of familial trafficking shares her account of
this too often overlooked but common form of trafficking.



Elected Ed: Season 1, Episode 2: Elected Officials Learn Trafficking Indicators and the Importance of Staff Training

In this podcast, an elected official who is a survivor of sex trafficking
shares her story and advice for elected officials.



Elected Ed: Season 1, Episode 1: Local Elected Officials Can Help Stop Human Trafficking

This podcast provides basic information about sex and labor trafficking for
elected officials.



Human Trafficking: Mandated Reporting and Agency Response

This primer explains North Carolina reporting laws as they apply to human
trafficking so that any person can understand when they are required to make
a report, how to make a report, and where the report must be made.



Tattooing of Human Trafficking Victims

This fact sheet provides basic information about why, how, and where traffickers might tattoo the victims they market for profit.


Human Trafficking by Families
Public Management Bulletin #24

The bulletin “Human Trafficking by Families” provides basic information about the dynamics of familial trafficking and advises service professionals to inquire about the possibility of familial sex and/or labor trafficking, to accurately label cases that involve that dynamic, and to encourage our collective learning about and implementation of successful proactive and reactive strategies to alleviate the suffering caused by this crime. Access the bulletin here.


Human Trafficking in the COVID-19 Pandemic

This blogpost provides information about some ways in which the risk and exploitation of sex and labor trafficking victims is changing due to the pandemic.


How Might Local Governments See Indicators of Human Trafficking Through Traveling Sales Crews?

This handout provides basic information about the dynamics and indicators of labor trafficking through traveling sales crews. Post-natural disaster clean-up crews operate in a similar way.



Human Trafficking of Minors and Young Adults: What Local Governments Need to Know

Public Management Bulletin #18

This bulletin explores the unique opportunities that local governments have to prevent, identify, and/or intervene is the sex and labor trafficking of youth in our communities.



Exploring the Intersections between Local Governments and Human Trafficking: The Local Government Focus Group Project

Public Management Bulletin #15

This bulletin focuses on the business models (or strategies) traffickers use to manage their human trafficking enterprises and reports on focus group discussions with local government officials to determine how greater awareness of these models and their various signs within the community might be incorporated into their daily work.



Labor Trafficking – What Local Governments Need to Know

Public Management Bulletin #16

This bulletin focuses on what labor trafficking is and how it shows up in North Carolina.




“How’s it working?” Community Assessment Tool

Community Assessment Tool

Creating and sustaining successful interventions and services over the long term requires more than money. This assessment tool can be used to inform the sustainability planning of community based anti-human trafficking efforts.



Human Trafficking in the Triad

NC Channel Video

Anita Brown-Graham hosts as ncIMPACT examines human trafficking in the NC Triad region.



Basic Information Handout

Basic Information about Sex and Labor Trafficking, providing examples of how force, fraud, or coercion can show up in trafficking.
